Two weeks ago, I announced my fourth annual newlywed contest in which my 2018 brides were automatically entered into a contest to receive the most votes from my MMP community as well as from their friends and family. The winner gets a free anniversary session from me! Last year, the voting came down to two single votes between my couples. This year was no different! The voting came very close between first and second place, so close in fact that I have decided to do the same thing I did last year.
I cannot tell you how thankful I am for all of my clients and their interest in this fun contest! I have my brides in a fun Facebook group. I posted in the group the day of about how close the contest was and the girls called, texted, Facebooked their people to vote; and boy did they ever show up! It was fun to see my sweet couples get so excited about a photo session with me. I guess that means they liked their pictures with me for their wedding! 🙂
Last year I ended up gifting two sessions to my couples because of how close it was. I am going to do the same this year! It was just too close to have one official winner. The winner only won by 2 votes (same as last year)! I couldn’t believe it! I feel like that was enough effort and work into both couples to give them BOTH sessions!
As a reminder to the winners, client must claim anniversary session within 6 months of wedding anniversary in 2018.Â
Congrats to all of the winners. Thanks to everyone who participated. I cannot wait to see these sweet couples again for anniversary sessions!
Without further adieu… the winners are
Carmen and Jordan!
AND Jenna and Tanner!