Roswell Mill | Roswell, GA
In all of my years of doing wedding photographer (8 years now!), I have never had a couple with a Josh before. I have found this surprising since one of the top names of the 80’s and 90’s was Josh. Seeing as I am married to a Josh, I figured I would have a couple with a Josh at least once or twice already, but not until this year; and in the past two sessions I have had, both couples have had a Josh! What are the odds? 🙂
Emily and Josh are a lot like family since Emily is my sister’s cousin-in-law. So while I am not technically related to Emily, I feel like we are in a lot of ways! We cross paths every now and then when we are at an event with my sister’s in-laws. I can’t wait for the wedding since I am going to know all of Emily’s family! And y’all, I watched Emily grow up! I remember when she was just six years old and the cutest little thing! It makes me feel so old to say that and to be shooting her engagement pictures now! We talked about it at their engagement session on Tuesday and just laughed at how quickly life seems to go!
I had such a great time with the two of them at their session. I loved everything about how they interacted with each other: their smiles, laughter, snuggles, and kisses. It was all so sweet and adorable. You know it’s going to be a good session when the first picture you take is not only a keeper, but one of your favorites from the session.
They were up for anything and willing to let me try some new stuff at the session! I climbed down some rocks at the mill to try for a new picture I haven’t done before and they even got into the cold water with me barefoot to get some great shots! I cannot wait for their wedding this June. I’m also excited, because for the first time, I get to work with my sister, Brie, at a wedding! She is a wedding planner for Chancey Charm Weddings, so it is going to be so much fun getting to work with her! We are going to have a blast!
Oh I just love the sweetness between these two!
Such laughter and sweetness! I love these two!
I almost wiped out climbing down to get this picture, but I loved this spot! Totally worth the almost-wipeout!
Sweet hugs! These two get to see each other once every few months because Josh is in the Coast Guard up in Massachusetts, so when I said, “hug like you haven’t seen her for a month,” it wasn’t that hard to pretend!
I love her ring! So beautiful!
They went barefoot for part of their session. So fun!
Probably my favorite one of the evening. I love it!
these are adorable! roswell mill is such a gorgeous place for engagement pictures!