Historic DeKalb Courthouse | Resonate Church | Decatur, GA | July 7, 2017
Last Friday was absolutely the best! I had the greatest time with Janet and Matt for their Decatur wedding. While they got married and had their reception at their church, Resonate Church, we did their First Look and portrait pictures down the road at the downtown Decatur Square and in front of the Historic DeKalb Courthouse. I am so glad we had the chance to stop by there and do pictures. The Historic DeKalb Courthouse is such a gorgeous spot
I love all of my brides, but I especially love it if I knew them before they hired me as their photographer. Janet and I go back 11 years to when I met her in 2006 when she was just 18 years old and a freshmen in college. I was her RA my senior year. I loved getting to know her sweet spirit and help teach her about Jesus and help her to grow in her relationship with Him. It was such an honor to be her RA all of those years ago and I know the Lord had us cross paths for a divine purpose. I have kept in touch with her over the years from her moving to Boston for school to meeting Matt to coming back to Atlanta for school (glad you didn’t go to DC!).
She and Matt not only hold their wedding close to their hearts, but weddings in general as they met at a wedding. They had to have a long distance relationship while Janet was in Boston and a semi-long distance relationship until the wedding since Matt lived in Northwest Georgia and she was in Atlanta; but now they are married and (hopefully) living together! 😉
Juliett, who co-officiatied the ceremony, did so as a tribute to her late husband Maurice, who would have been performing the ceremony if he were still with them. She shared a sweet message on love and how to sacrificially love one another.
I loved the little details of their day! Their “cake topper” was passed down from Matt’s grandmother to his father and now to them. All of the wood décor, signs, games, and decorative flowers were handmade and assembled by Janet and Matt, their families, and friends.
Matt found out before the ceremony that was going to wear a family heirloom at the ceremony
First Look time! I am soooooo glad we did their pictures here and did a First Look! Matt originally had said he didn’t want one, but told me later in the day that he was so glad that he did!
One of my favorites of the day!
Y’all, I am a fan of real flowers at a wedding, but these flowers were amazing from Eco Flower! They are all fake and made from paper and book pages. Legit the coolest bouquet!
When the pastor mentions, Georgie, the dog and Matt looks over at her
Janet made this sweet bandana for Georgie to wear for the ceremony
You may kiss the bride… behind an umbrella
Coffee Bar from East Pole Coffee! Such a fun touch to the wedding, especially since they had breakfast for their meal!
Who needs a cake when you have donuts at your wedding! These donuts from Revolution Donuts were amazing!
Love these two! So blessed to be a part of their day!
Family picture before Georgie went home!
Who says yard games have to be outside in the yard?
When the timeline of the day falls in such a way that you don’t take whole wedding party pictures until the end of the day when the couple is about to leave… and almost forget about it!
Y’all, I loved the ribbon wands! Can everyone with daylight send-offs do these?
My shot is on the left and my intern (Erin’s) shot is on the right- love it!