Last Month, I started a series titled “The Story of Us” in attempts to let y’all get to know Josh and me a little better as a couple. You can check out part 1 here on how we met and got to know each other if you would like! Today’s blog post is on how we got together and started dating.
So after not-so-good-for-me guy broke up with me, I cried for about a week and then realized not-so-good-for-me guy was really not-so-good-for-me. I went on a trip with some girlfriends to Gulf Shores for the week as a last minute getaway and found myself talking to Josh on the phone every night while I was there for at least an hour or so each time. Now this wasn’t that unordinary for us, to be talking on the phone. He used to call me on his way home from Berry and we would talk the entire hour it took for him to get home- with the exception of that dead spot in Aragon, GA he would always hit… haha. BUT talking to him at the beach was different. I remember sitting out on the balcony of the condo, looking out at the stars and the ocean, and finding myself wishing he was there with me, cuddling with me, and not just talking to me on the phone. I found my stomach fluttering for the first time when I talked to Josh and smiling for more reasons than him just making me laugh with his jokes. I wondered if he was thinking the same thing.
I came back from the beach and a week later, we met with some friends to go to 722 at Northpoint Church. We had made plans for me to spend the night with another friend and spend a couple of days hanging out since we were on summer break and I didn’t have to work. That weekend (as we call it, even though it was Tuesday-Thursday) began our relationship. We hung out all weekend with some friends, but also had alone time together at his house. We flirted A LOT. We held hands. We cuddled. And by the end of the weekend, I wanted to have a DTR (Define the Relationship Talk). You know what I’m talking about… who else called it a DTR? I know you Berry peeps did! I was having to leave soon, but Josh wasn’t making any indications that he was going to talk about what was going on, so being the assertive girl that I was, (I mean, still am…) I brought it up and asked him, “What’s going on here?” He played dumb as to not make himself look silly if I didn’t mean “us”. I said, “Of course I mean us! What’s going on here with us?”
After a long talk, we decided we would see where we felt the Lord was leading us in this idea of a potential relationship. I had just gotten out of another relationship a few weeks before, so I knew that I needed some more time to figure out what the Lord wanted in this. In perspective, I probably shouldn’t have jumped into another relationship so quickly after getting out of another one; but it worked out in the end. 🙂
We went on our first date a couple of weeks later and had the best time ever! I still remember it like it was yesterday. He drove over to Tyrone to hang out with me for the day. We went to Wal-Mart earlier in the day to go get pictures printed of the two of us that we already had. We spent a couple of hours walking around the shopping area and went to lunch. Later that evening, we went to Ruby Tuesday’s for dinner and then ice cream. We went to Lake Peachtree and walked around and talked. The picture you see posted in the title above is a picture from our first date (selfie taken at Lake Peachtree). I knew right then and there that I wanted to date Josh. All of the things I thought about him being the perfect future husband were still true, but now I didn’t just see him as a brother. I wanted him to be my boyfriend.
And he did become by boyfriend! We had an excellent summer together. We would visit back and forth to each other’s homes and go on dates and had a great time together. We even went to the beach twice during that time. Things were great!
We get back to Berry and start our semester. Balancing school, work, homework, social life, and a boyfriend were all things I had done before. Josh on the other hand hadn’t. And if I’m honest, when I get a boyfriend, I tend to want to spend a lot of time with them. So balancing his normal life with a somewhat overbearing girlfriend who could be a little overwhelming at times, overwhelmed him. I’m an extreme extrovert in every since of the word (if you know me, you know this to be 1000% true). Josh, however, is an introvert. We are very different in a lot of ways, so without realizing it, I was being overbearing and didn’t realize it.
Within three months of dating him, I was already head-over-heals for him. Okay, maybe not crazy in love with him, but I definitely knew that I loved him. I remember it very specifically. I was walking to my car one day on my way to class and as I was thinking about Josh, I just knew I loved him. It was the craziest thing, especially because three days later he would break up with me.
Be on the lookout for my next blog post “The Story of Us | the Break Up Months”. It was during that time in my life that I grew with the Lord and learned more about myself than any other point of my life leading up to it. I can’t wait to share it with you!
[…] The Story of Us| How Josh and I Started Dating. The first two installments were How We Met and How We Started Dating. You’ll want to go back and check those out first if you haven’t read them before you […]