2015 was definitely my most amazing year yet for my business. It grew in leaps and bounds and in ways I never knew could be possible. I truly had an amazing year with some amazing clients. The Lord blessed my business and is continuing to do so into 2016.
Last week, I announced my first ever Newlywed Contest in which my 2015 brides were automatically entered into a contest to receive the most votes from my MMP community as well as from their friends and family. The winner wins a free anniversary session from me!
The voting came very close between first and second place, there were only five votes separating the winners! And because of that, I am going to give TWO sessions to my clients. I just love y’all that much!
Drumroll please….
Congratulations to our grand prize winners, Tawny and Jacob! You have won a free anniversary session with a free 8×10 and 5×7 of your choice from the session!
Congratulations to our runner-up winners, Lauren and Ned! You have won a free anniversary session!
Thanks so all of my brides who participated. If you participated and had friends and family vote, you will have a 50% discount for next year on an anniversary session should you so choose to take advantage of it! I would love to take all of y’all’s anniversary