I’m here! I am in Washington DC for The Event with Justin and Mary! It starts in just a few hours.
You guys, this is gonna be amazing. I am beyond thrilled to be able to learn from the top wedding photographers in the industry. Today is gonna be an intense day of listening, note taking, and soaking in all of the awesomeness that is The Event.
When I first saw the information about The Event from my friend, Ashley Scobey, who is also speaking, I knew immediately that I HAD to go and make it happen. So after talking to Josh about it and praying about the finances behind the trip, I decided to sign up and make it happen! With buying the tickets on Black Friday, splitting a hotel room with a couple other attendees (yay for social media and staying with strangers!), finding a really affordable flight that brought me up here at 6am this morning, and riding the Metro in Dc (yay public transportation that isn’t as bad as MARTA!), I was able to make this trip super affordable!
I’ll be heading back home tomorrow afternoon since it’s a one-day conference, but wow is it gonna be packed with super-cool-awesomeness. I cannot wait to share and fill in what I learned. Most importantly, I cannot wait to apply what I learned in making my business better and making the experience for my clients even better! See y’all when I get back!