Love LOVES trains. When I say love, I mean he is absolutely obsessed. Between his love for Thomas the Train and his train set, he is inundated with trains on a daily basis. Whenever he hears or sees one in person, he makes a “choo-choo” sound and even does the “chugga-chugga” noise.
I think he’s probably the only two year old that can accurately identify the difference between a diesel train and a steam (steamie) train. Thanks to the teaching and live portion of the Thomas shows, I am certain he knows pretty much everything about how a train functions and runs. I’ve even learned a lot myself!
He literally knows every single name of every single character on the Thomas TV show. I can show him a picture or figurine of the character and ask where’s “so-and-so” and he will be able to accurately point and identify the character. He can say a great handful of the train names as well.
For his first birthday, we got Levi a train set for him to eventually play with. We pulled it out this summer, nearly 9 months after giving it to him. He immediately fell in love with it. Over the past couple of months between other gifts and hand-me-down’s, our train set has grown and added. My Dad made him the most awesome train table last year and it has proved very useful.
Levi will spend hours each day pushing his trains back and forth. I’ve never seen a kid so concentrated on something before. People who have seen him get in “train-mode” have said the same thing. For a two year old, he has an amazing attention to detail and attention span. I’m often impressed at how long he can play with these trains and not get bored or move on.
Anyone else have their kids as obsessed with trains at one point or another? I love how much he has found something he is interested in. He still loves his “go-go’s” (cars) and “woah-woah’s” (firetrucks), but trains are definitely number one in his toy heart.
Lesson from Levi: Boys are innately attracted to trains. Levi had no choice in the matter. He was born to love trains!
So many Thomas trains…
This is the current set up we have. We’ll change it up every week or so for him to mix it up and give him something different to play with. Josh and I get pretty proud of the different train tracks we can make for him. I did the current set up he’s playing with, but Josh does most of them!
So much concentration
“Mama, why are you distracting me from my trains?”