June 2nd was National Donut Day this year. It’s not a date that is set in stone each year, but one that I remember each year: it’s the first Friday in June each year. Write it on your calendars for next year. It means FREE donuts. My TimeHop was popping up the last week with previous years National Donut Days. This year, I decided we would take it on in full force.
A great number of donut places had free donuts with no purchase necessary on National Donut Day. Chains like Krispy Kreme had a free donut for each person that came in. You had to buy a drink at Dunkin Donuts to get a free donut (come on Dunkin… get it together), but KK and most local establishments gave free donuts as well. I thought it would be fun to do a Donut Crawl. You know, like a Pub Crawl?? Not that I’ve ever done a pub crawl, but I knew the term to come up with the idea. I was excited when I thought of this. Levi was as well!
The plan was to go to Krispy Kreme first and then head up to DaVinci’s Donuts in Alpharetta and then onto Dunkin Donuts on the way home. Our trips to Krispy Kreme and DaVinci’s ended up taking longer than I had planned, so we skipped Dunkin on the way home. We went and met Josh down at work in Dunwoody and headed over to the Dunwoody location of DaVinci’s only to find out that their donut maker broke earlier in the day! Levi was seriously upset that he didn’t get his 3rd donut of the day. I considered driving over to the Sandy Springs location, but it was late in the afternoon already and Levi needed to head home for a nap, so we skipped the 3rd donut for the day. But that’s okay- DaVinci’s had a Dejavu DaVinci’s Donut Day last Friday and we went back for our free donuts then. (Don’t judge me.)
Levi absolutely loves donuts, but even more, he really loves watching them be made. I think he often favors Krispy Kreme over DaVinci’s because he can watch the donuts be made there. You can see them at DaVinci’s, but they are most of the time done cooking the donuts for the day by the time we get there mid-morning. BUT there were TONS of donuts being made at DaVinci’s on National Donut Day, so he got to watch them be made there. Y’all, he didn’t want to eat his donut he had already ordered because he wanted to watch the donuts be made there. He is so fascinated with watching them cook. I think it’s the cutest thing ever.
While I have participated in many National Donut Days and gotten free donuts over the years, we have never gone to more than one location. I think we have started a new tradition for the future!
The Hot Light was on all day I’m sure!
Onto DaVinci’s and getting to watch the donuts be made!
We pulled a stool up for him to watch the donuts cook. He called the oil “honey” at first, but then I explained it was hot oil. He remember the next week when we went back to the Dunwoody DaVinci’s and they were making them there.
Now onto watching them decorate the donuts
Always chooses the ones with sprinkles. Every time.
I loooove these documentary sessions! Great combo of overview and detail shots!