As a photographer, it has been hard being stuck at home with no pictures to take. I absolutely love taking pictures of my dear clients and right now with everything in bloom, I would be usually knee deep in spring and Easter sessions. I’ve done a lot of lifestyle pictures of the kids living life from day to day, which have been wonderful and fun, but I wanted to do a portrait session with them.
This yellow buttercup field is near my house. I passed it the other day on my run and immediately went to photographer-brain-mode and thought that I needed to take my children there for some spring/Easter pictures, so we ventured out yesterday for a nice afternoon walk to the field for some pictures. We spent maybe 10 minutes playing and taking pictures and I captured some of my new favorite pictures of my kiddos.
Random fact: did you know buttercup flowers are poisonous to eat? I didn’t know that until today when I was on the internet! They’re called Ranunculus; it is poisonous to eat for humans and cattle, but when dry the poison is not active.
It felt good for my soul to be outside and taking pictures. I needed to get creative and take pictures. I would be gearing up for my first 2020 wedding this month, but we all know things have drastically changed. I would never have guess two months ago that this is where we would be. I miss my interaction with my friends, family, and clients. I miss going on hikes. I miss the simplicity of going to the grocery store, even with my kids in tow! I miss getting out and taking pictures. I miss what used to be our normal. It’s the little moments like yesterday that spark joy in my heart right now. I’m thankful to the Lord for beautiful flowers and moments like this with my children. I came home and couldn’t wait to get these edited! I hope you enjoy these as much as I do!
What things right now do you have in your life that are sparks of joy during this time of crazy? Comment below and tell me what you’re doing to bring joy into your life during this time! I would love to hear from you!