I know you’ve probably seen a ton of posts as of late about COVID-19. I know as a photographer, every company that I follow or subscribe to has sent me an email pertaining to the virus. If you’re a bride, I hope that your vendors have been in touch with you about what’s going on. If you’re still in the planning stages and don’t have vendors yet, then there’s a lot probably going through your head on how to plan your wedding while all of this is going on.
Know that just because the virus has shut down the opportunity for weddings to currently occur, vendors are still rebooking brides from this spring to the fall or the following year and booking new brides for the fall and next year. Take this time at home to spend some time planning your wedding or reevaluating and replanning what you need to do for your wedding.
As someone who has been in the industry for over 12 years, I can confidently say that nothing like this has ever happened and I would be surprised if we ever dealt with another pandemic at this level ever again. So while nothing like this has happened and I can’t speak from experience (obviously), I can speak to the knowledge I have as a photographer who has worked in the industry for a long time.
These are uncertain times right now. My spring and early summer weddings have been rescheduled and I’m just praying for my late summer and fall couples that they don’t have to do the same, especially my spring/early summer couples who already rescheduled to the fall. But we obviously can’t predict exactly how all of this going to play out. I can’t tell you when to reschedule your wedding, but I can offer some words of advice and encouragement.
We will get through this and I pray that we will come out stronger on the other side.
NOTE: I am not a lawyer and none of this advice is legal advice, just advice coming from a photographer who has knowledge in the industry. This is the information and advice from one photographer, one vendor in the sea of many who work in the wedding industry. I hope that whether you have your wedding partly planned, most planned, or are just in the beginning stages that you find this information helpful.
These are all great tips! Thanks for sharing!