Katie and Will got married 4 years ago and I had the pleasure and privilege to shoot their wedding. (WOW- was it really 4 years already?!) They have lived in Ithica, New York for the past couple of years until Will graduated from grad school (he just finished! Congrats Will!), so I haven’t had much of an opportunity to take their pictures again; but Will’s family is still down in Atlanta, so they called me to take pictures this week while they were in town with family! I was so happy to hear from them and make these sweet pictures happen!
It was so fun how I got connected to them. Katie’s younger sister, Lizzie, was one of my students at the time (if you didn’t know, I taught 8th grade for 7 years), so she mentioned to me that her sister was getting married and that I HAD to shoot the wedding. A year later, we were making that happen! Since then, I have taken more pictures for this special family, including Lizzie’s senior pictures last year. I love this family so much and am so thankful for having taught Lizzie those many years ago and get to take special pictures for the Bonds whether it be wedding, senior pictures, or baby pics!
Miller is such a cutie and was the best baby at his session! He was all smiles and laughter, so it was super easy to get good pics of him! He reminds me so much of Levi at this age-super happy, a BIG boy, and rolls for days. I have seen pictures of Miller on Facebook since he was born, but it was nice to finally get to meet him and take his pictures. Congrats to Katie and Will! Thanks for calling me again for another milestone set of pictures for your family!
Such a cutie! I love those cheeks!
Mmmm… that hand tastes awesome
I mean, come on! What kind of 6 month old looks at the camera and smiles?? So CUTE!