Last week, Josh and I had the chance to take a much needed vacation for the week. We left on a Sunday and came back the following Sunday; but we didn’t spend the whole week in one location. After shooting Lauren and Ned’s wedding Saturday night and getting home at 12:30am, we got up the next morning at 5am to get to the airport to fly to Boston!
A few years ago, Josh’s brother and sister-in-law moved up to Boston to own a Chick-Fil-A up there, so we get to go up once a year and visit them! Levi’s only two (round-trip) airplane rides have been to Boston and back; and he’s a great little traveler! He does awesome through the airport (babywearing for the WIN!) and always does awesome on the plane. He seriously is the best little kid ever! We are so blessed that he’s an awesome traveler, both plane and car.
Our first full day, we went to downtown Boston to go to some of our favorite places including the Boston Common and Public Garden. It’s always so pretty there! One of my favorite places to go is Mike’s for amazing cannoli’s. I can’t come to Boston and not get cannoli’s from Mike’s. I dream about these amazing cannoli’s! I also love going to Quincy Market to get yummy food from the various vendors and shops. This trip, we got to go to get some yummy seafood mac & cheese as well as a delicious lobster roll. Sooooo good!
I just love, love, love the fall and fall leaves. It’s been so nasty here in Atlanta all fall, so I was very excited to see some dry weather and awesome fall leaves! We went to an apple orchard and pumpkin patch on Tuesday of our trip. We saw our first PUMPKIN TREE at the pumpkin patch! I looked for a brief second and was really confused and then I questioned the validity of the pumpkin tree and then remembered that pumpkins grow on vines, not trees. I’ll admit, I wondered for a quick second and then realized they had strung the pumpkins up on the tree! So yeah…. I saw my first pumpkin tree in Boston. 😉
The next day, we went to Rockport, MA for a morning on the coast and lunch. We pulled up and when I got out of the car, I found this really cool looking building that I was drawn to. I took some pictures of it and found out during the day that it is the most painted building in the US and one of the most photographed as well. It’s called Motif No. 1. Apparently I have an eye to take pictures of things that are popular! 🙂 It was really cold that day, but we had a good time walking and looking around. Levi enjoyed the “splash” of the ocean against the rocks.
We had such a great time visiting with family and enjoying the sites around Boston. Daniel and Rachel are always awesome hosts and we always have such a wonderful time when we get to visit with them! Can’t wait for our next trip up there!
Beautiful Public Garden in the fall! Love them!Â
Fun picture time with my Littleman!
Love my two guys more than anything in the world!
Absolutely beautiful! LOVE this!
Impromptu couple pictures in the Public Garden b/c it’s so pretty!
Beautiful fall leaves at the pumpkin patch!
Here’s the pumpkin tree! So funny!Â
Looks legit, right? 🙂
Motif No. 1 in Rockport. Guess I’ll have to paint it!
Happy boy! He loved the “splash” and the “wa-wa.”Â
My commute time anywhere might be a little longer since I’d have to get on a boat to get to my car!
Beautiful fall weather on the coast!
[…] so I figured I should share part II of my vacation from last month! Two weeks ago I shared my first part of my vacation in Boston visiting family with Josh and Levi. We had such a great time, but man oh man, I could never live up […]
[…] so I figured I should share part II of my vacation from last month! Two weeks ago I shared my first part of my vacation in Boston visiting family with Josh and Levi. We had such a great time, but man oh man, I could never live up […]
[…] family trip to Boston in October! 8) First Look Favorites- If you are like me, I love it when my clients do First Looks. […]