Nine years ago, I made the biggest and best decision of my life. I walked down the aisle to my almost-husband, to my future, to the unknown, to the ups and downs of life, to my forever here on earth. I was 22 years old (young) with no idea what God had in store for us. I am so thankful for these past nine years. God has grown us so close together and taught us so much about each other and how much we need to rely on Him in our marriage. Had I known nine years ago that we would be where we are today, I would have said yes 100 times more without hesitation!
For my 9th anniversary, I’m going to share 9 fun facts about Joshua and me! I hope you enjoy learning some about us!
Nine Fun Facts
1) We started dating when we were 19 years old, just the summer after our freshmen year.
2) We met at Berry College. We started out as friends (while I dated another guy) and hung out a lot our spring semester of our freshmen year.
3) Joshua secretly liked me while I dated the other guy (but I never knew!); and I often thought that whoever dated and married Josh would be a lucky girl because of how awesome he was, but I was never attracted to him.
4) Three months after we started dating, Josh broke up with me. (We got back together 5 months later.)
5) Joshua told me he loved me 2 years after we initially started dating.
6) Joshua proposed to me on April Fools Day in our senior year- he often says jokingly he doesn’t believe in divorce, but he believes in a good April Fools joke.
7) Joshua had our wedding date and venue picked out and reserved before he proposed to me. It was all something we had talked about as a possibility before we got engaged. We wanted to get married at Berry and had a handful of date options since I was a teacher.
8) We went to Sandals for our honeymoon, but our favorite vacation spot are multiple locations- aka a cruise. We love cruising. We have gone on six cruises together and even spent our 5 year anniversary on a cruise!
9) We had Levi a few months before our 6th anniversary. We don’t know what our lives were like without him in it. We love being husband and wife and especially love being parents together.
I’ve shared my wedding pictures on my blog before, but here they are again in case you haven’t seen them or just started following me! 🙂
Happy anniversary to my Joshie! I love you beyond words. I am so thankful for you and your leadership in our marriage. Thank you for being such an amazing encourager of my business. You are the best husband and father I could ever have asked for. You are wonderful! I LOVE YOU!!
Thanks as always to the amazing Katherine Birkbeck Photography for our awesome pictures!