I have always been a big believer in the power of prayer. The Lord calls us to pray and talk to Him and bring our desires to him. I have the confidence to know that the Lord hears my prayers for the Bible tells me, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.” (1 John 5:14-15)
A few months ago, I started a regular prayer time for myself and friends who are currently dealing with infertility. Prior to this, I prayed here and there every now and then for my friends, but the Lord laid it on my heart a few months ago to REALLY spend time in prayer to Him for these wanted babies by so many people I know- I could name at least 10 women waiting for their babies at the beginning of this year. Because I have shared my story, I have a handful of friends who have in confidence shared their story with me. I am thankful for this, so that I can spend some very specific prayer time for them. Some of them are more private people and unlike me, aren’t blogging about it for the whole world to read about, so I feel honored that they have shared this very personal part of their lives with me. I don’t have Levi with me on Wednesdays and have a workday, so I have more undivided time to spend praying. I have it on my phone calendar and to go off and remind me. I stop what I am doing at the time to pray for my friends, often for an hour or so.
I know that if I weren’t walking this journey myself, I would not have had the idea or passion to spend this dedicated time in prayer. I see so much of my journey as an answer to “why” the Lord has asked me to wait for a second kid. This is one of those things I see as a reason why. I have friends who need these prayers and I’m thankful that I can pray for them and relate my heart to them.
God hears and answers prayers in a few ways: He might say “yes, here is your request now.” He might say, “wait a while longer for this prayer to be answered.” Or He could also say, “no. I have something better for you than what you are asking for. Trust me.” Now, I don’t audibly hear the Lord answering these things out loud in my prayers, but I know that the Lord has a plan and I’m thankful for all of these possible answers; and no matter how the Lord answers these prayers for myself and for my friends, I am thankful that He HEARS my prayers and asks me to come to Him. The Bible also reminds me, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6)
And amazing prayers have been answered: I have had FOUR of my friends get pregnant since I have started this specific prayer time. I just found out last night that another of my friends is pregnant and I praised the Lord with all of my heart for this dear friend. I praise the Lord for these babies currently growing inside of their mother’s wombs. And I have had two other friends give birth this year that I had been praying for. I still have more that I pray for and are in the “wait” or “no, but I have something better” stage, but I’m still praying until God makes it clear for them that something else is in store for them.
Now, I’m not saying that I have some special line to God and that they got pregnant because of MY prayers, but I do believe in the amazing power of prayer and the more prayers, the better. If you’re dealing with primary or secondary infertility and would like to be added to my Wednesday at 11am prayer time, comment below or email me privately at mandi@mandimitchellphotography.com. You will know that every Wednesday from 11am-12pm EST at some point, you are being prayed over. And if you are a friend of mine who has confided in me about trying for another child, you are already on this list and being prayed for!
I love you all and thank YOU for your prayers and kind words the past two years. My next post will be in the next few weeks on hitting the two year mark of waiting and what God has been teaching me and how far He’s brought me since starting this journey.
Just for fun, the cover photo for this post is a picture of my Littleman at 6 weeks old. Hard to believe he’s 3 now!