Our #leviandmamaultimateroadtrip began Wednesday afternoon. I picked up Levi from his summer camp he is participating in this summer and on our way we went! We drove up to Nashville for dinner to meet with a newer friend of mine, Beth, and her son, Levi. Yep, two Levi’s! I met Beth just a few months ago at an engagement party for clients of mine, Valerie and David, and we immediately hit it off. I feel like I have known her for years! I talked to her about my road trip and we decided that on my way up with Levi that we would stop in Nashville and have dinner.
She suggested we go to Opry Mills Mall area to have dinner. We went to this yummy BBQ place called Mission BBQ and had a fun time visiting! Afterwards, Levi and I walked the mall a little bit and then decided to head up to our hotel in Kentucky; but while leaving the mall, I happened upon the Grand Ole Opry. I had no idea it was on the backside of the mall. Levi saw the giant guitars outside and immediately asked to stop and look at the giant “ti-tars”, so we pulled over and walked around and took some pictures.
Picture in front of Mission BBQ Picture with Beth and the two Levi’s
Fun time walking around Grand Ole Opry