I LOVE Harry Potter; but if you knew me in high school, I would have sworn that I would never be excited about reading Harry Potter, seeing the movies, or even visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I was everything anti-Harry Potter- mainly b/c of all of the annoying hype about every new book and movie coming out. I was tired of hearing about the “gossip” of whether or not Snape was bad and if Voldemort would kill any more of Harry’s friends.
I was even forced to read Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone in college as an assignment for a class on adolescent literature (thanks Dr. Ference)- still wasn’t in love with it then. But finally, after my husband read the books and with much encouragement from a few of my Harry Potter fanatic friends, I picked up the books to read during my summer vacation of 2009. By then, all 7 books had come out, so all I had to do was pick up the next one to read.
I quickly found myself engulfed in the world of Hogwarts, Gryffindor, magicians, and Harry Potter. I came to love the characters in the books and cried when they died- I still say she shouldn’t have killed off Dobby- and read the books in less than 3 weeks. I think I finished The Deathly Hallows in just two days. It’s time I reread the books and watched the movies again!
I got to visit Harry Potter World for the first time with my husband in 2012 and then again in 2013 with the group of seniors I led at my church. I haven’t been since they created the second part of Harry Potter World- Diagon Alley at Universal Studios. Years ago, I said that they should create Diagon Alley at Universal Studios and have the Hogwarts Express travel back and forth from one park to the next. I swear someone at the park heard me say this, because the next year, they were working on the construction of this new and amazing part of The Wizarding World Harry Potter. I went last weekend with the group of seniors that I lead this year, and we had a blast! I was so excited to get to visit this part of the park as well! I can’t wait to go with Joshua sometime in the near future. I know he would love to experience this new part of the park as well!
The Knight Bus!
Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes and the view right when you walk into Diagon Alley
I just LOVE the detail that they put into everything at the park!
They have an Olivander’s at Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade now
Quiddich supplies here!
I couldn’t take pictures inside of Gringotts because I had to check in my camera before I rode the ride, but they did an amazing job of making it look inside just like they did in the movie. They had goblins inside sorting the money, and even the head goblin who talked to us. It was so cool!
The dragon blew fire out of his mouth every 10-15 minutes. How cool!?
King’s Cross! I love the detail they put into it! I looked like a real train station!
Hedwig! 🙂
Back into Hogsmeade! I just love the snow and how it looks!
Time to choose a wand!
Hagrid’s house and the flying car!
I love Hogwarts!!!!! 🙂
This was the best! I LOVE me some frozen butterbeer. Who cares that it’s $7 without a souvenir mug?
Goodbye Hogsmeade! Bye Harry Potter until next time!