Day 6 of the Levi and Mama ultimate road trip included driving out to Louisville, KY to visit my friend, Natalie, and her family. I thought it would be pretty uneventful, but I was wrong. Something pretty crazy happened. You wanna read this one…
I didn’t realize that I would be driving through Illinois and Indiana to get there (shows you how little I know the midwest out that way). I have to share a story that is beyond crazy. This part of the story goes all of the way back to April. I honestly never shared this story as I didn’t want it to seem prideful; but after this trip and what happened, I simply have to share. Back in April, I was at Chick-Fil-A one morning before my BSF Bible study and saw a homeless woman in the restaurant. Almost immediately I felt the Holy Spirit telling me to serve her by bringing her to my home and offering a shower and to wash her clothes. As crazy as it sounds, I did it. Levi was at school, so I brought her here to do exactly what the Lord asked me to. She stayed for a few hours after she showered, I washed her clothes, and cut her hair for her. I gave her some money for food and drove her to Woodstock where she wanted to go next. I wished I could have done more for her. I pray for her often when the Lord lays her on my heart.
Driving through southern Illinois, I discovered there isn’t a whole lot on the interstate. In fact, there was so little that we drove for a few hours before running into another exit with food and gas, so when one finally appeared, I pulled over at the first exit I saw. This exit had a number of food options, but I ended up choosing the Wendy’s off this exit to eat lunch and fill up on gas. Y’all, I walked into the Wendy’s and THERE SHE WAS! There was no question that it was her. I about fell on the floor from shock. Like what are the odds that I ran into this same woman once in Roswell and then AGAIN in Illinois???? I couldn’t believe it. After I ordered our food and had Levi eating, I went to talk to her. She didn’t immediately remember me, but after I told her where I met her, she did remember. She asked for a ride and I was unable to do that for her, but I told her I didn’t find it a coincidence that I ran into her again and that I prayed for her often and gave her some money to buy a few meals.
After we left, my mind went to the verse in Hebrews 13 about serving strangers and entertaining angels. Hebrews 13:1-2 says, “Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” I won’t say that I did in fact serve an angel, but I can’t deny the possibility that it happened. I think the odds are just too crazy for it to be a random coincidence. The Lord was definitely talking to me and working on my heart, that’s for sure. As Christians, we need to remember this verse and serve others as the Lord calls us to.
The rest of the drive to Louisville was uneventful, and we got to Louisville mid-afternoon. It was so good to hug Natalie and start our visit. We took the kiddos (her 4 boys and Levi) to the pool to play for a few hours; and after they were in bed that evening, she and I went out for a walk on the Big Four Bridge. This old train trestle has been converted to a pedestrian walking bridge that goes over the Ohio River to Indiana. It was a pretty fun and cool bridge to walk over! I knew Levi would love it, so I decided to take him the next day after we left Natalie’s. After the Big Four Bridge, we went to a fun coffee shop that her husband and a couple of my friends used to work at. I had always wanted to go to Vint and check it out, so it was a perfect ending to the night!
Um, wow! Very impressed by the whole things! 🙏😭😭😭
All the glory goes to the Lord! All I did was just obey Him when He called me to serve. 🙂